Do You Feel…? – The artistic instinct as a trigger warning for science. Case study of retrofuturism.
Future in the past, past in the future….are you already lost in time? The presentation will discuss topics related to retrofuturism in its various versions, from sci-fi movies to real life through the artist’s own projects. When and how does culture meet technology? How is art related to science? Presentation is about courage, imagination, intuition and emotions, and how it all upsets and stimulates engineers to act. The author will talk about the backstage of her futurological projects and cooperation with specialists from various fields. The range? Somewhere between humanities and STEM (ang. science, technology, engineering, mathematics)but from an artistic point of view. One of the case studies is backstage from the installation ” Do You Feel connected? “, which is a part of the ADAF festival. The installation refers to the creativity of world-class science-fiction writer Stanisław Lem.
prof. AFA phd Marta Flisykowska – Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (PL)
She is an artist, researcher and lecturer at Academy Of Fine Arts in Gdańsk interested in the human element in the field of technology. Intuition, imagination and aesthetics are crucial for her. She incorporates them within her research on the cultural code and its materialization. She expresses her fascination with space and futurology in projects, exhibitions, and publications.