At midday, a stretch of woods, concrete walls, a young man and woman; the sound in the distance is looming and about to wake them. A single unrelenting shot examines the relationships between individual and authority, costume and power. In the forest and in abandoned buildings an absurd game is played between people. The principle theme of land and housing justice is examined through multi-dimensional sound design and symbolic imagery. Using purely audiovisual elements, this work attempts to induce a state of dreamlike hypnosis. Lights, characters, sound, and architecture coalesce into a narrative; an object offers a symbolic representation of an island. As night and day intertwine, light and shadow along with audio effects are used to shatter assumptions regarding the linearity of time, and new dialectical and imaginative possibilities are born.
Yi-Ling Wang (TW)
WANG Yi-Ling is a filmmaker and video artist based in Taipei, Taiwan. She graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts in Motion Picture. Her short film “Towards the Sun” was selected at the 70th Festival de Cannes Cinéfondation Competition and other prestigious film festivals. In recent years, she has directed and produced various works, including film, video art, music video, commercial and TV show.